Our Story 關於我們
Through rediscovering and reinstating lost trails we can enhance the network of urban and countryside trails throughout Hong Kong. This will increase alternative hiking routes available to all people, including the elderly, children and the disabled. Doing so will not only improve their enjoyment of the city but also improve public health.
The project objective is to connect existing promenades and trails into a complete coastal trail. This will enhance the walkability of our waterfronts and bring people closer to the water. In turn, we promote a water-friendly culture and the variety of activities available along our shores. |
我們希望將現有的海濱長廊和行山徑連接起來,成為一條完整的環島徑。這樣不但可以增加海濱的步行環境,將更多的人帶到海岸,還可以推廣親水文化和在沿岸舉辦各種活動。 |