Kick off the new year with a journey of discovery!
WALK & WIN: iDiscover, TrailWatch and Designing Hong Kong are inviting keen hikers, explorers, photographers, heritage enthusiasts and everyone in between to join the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail Challenge 2022. The 65-km-long trail is divided into 8 stages, from easy to moderate in difficulty. Teams are encouraged to solve 35 clues and take photos along the way to win amazing prizes. People can take part in teams of 2-5 px, and walk stages of the trail using the Trailwatch App. Anyone can join with their own team at any time between January 1st and February 6th 2022, at their own convenience. We have over HK$50K worth of team prizes from sustainable Hong Kong brands for winning teams. You don’t have to complete the whole trail, and you can walk as many sections as you like. It’s not a speed contest, but a journey of discovery. |
新年• 新旅程
足跡換獎賞 iDiscover, TrailWatch 及 Designing Hong Kong 現邀請各行山愛好者,攝影師,古蹟愛好者及公眾參與港島環島遊挑戰2022。全長65公里的環島徑分為八段,難度由簡單到困難不等。遠足途中可以解答沿途35條問題,並拍下沿途的景色以贏取獎品。參加者能以2-5人組隊參加,並用Trailwatch應用程式記錄旅程。公眾在1月1日至2月6日期間可以隨時組隊起行,並爭取贏得由香港可持續品牌贊助總值超過港幣五萬的禮品。 參加者可以盡自己的能力和興趣去選擇想挑戰的分段,並不需要完成全部分段。這不是一個「鬥快」的比賽,而是一個探索的旅程。 |