Avoiding Obstacles 避開障礙
For those who want to avoid obstacles we recommend six detours:
A (Mt. Davis Coastal Walk): Avoid the dead end promenade in front of the HKU sports pitches by continuing along Sha Wan Drive to get to Cyberport. B (Aberdeen Harbour Walk): Avoid flash floods and climbing over fences to cross the top of the waterfall by following Cyberport Road to Victoria Road and back down Wah Chui Street and Wah Fu Road. C (Southern Beaches Walk): Avoid using all fours to navigate steep and narrow sections along the pig’s trail from South Bay Beach to Chung Hum Kok Road by walking up the trail opposite 18 South Bay Road to Stanley Gap Road and down to Stanley. D (Long Dragon’s Back Walk): Avoid bouldering down the rock stream between Cape D’Aguilar Road and Shek O Main Beach by heading up the Dragon’s Back and around to Big Wave Bay and onwards to Siu Sai Wan. E (Chai Wan City Walk): Avoid the informal stairs and trail along the southside of the Island Eastern Corridor from Shing Tai Road (Heng Fa Chuen) to A Kung Ngam Village Road (Shau Kei Wan) by going inwards via Chai Wan Road. F (Eastern Harbour Walk): Avoid the construction of the North Point waterfront and the future board walk under the Island Eastern Corridor by walking along Java Road and Electric Road, except for short sections at the North Point ferry piers. |
A (摩星嶺段): 取道沙灣徑以避開大口環海濱伸延到香港大學體育中心前的掘頭路。 B (香港仔段): 取道數碼港道、域多利道、華翠街及華富道以避開涉水穿過瀑布灣河道及攀越欄杆的危險。 C (南區沙灘段): 取道南灣道18號對面的山徑到達赤柱峽道再經舂坎角前往赤柱以避開南灣道末需要手腳並用的山徑。 D (龍脊段): 取道港島徑第八段經龍脊前往小西灣以避開鶴咀前往石澳的溪澗。 E (柴灣段): 取道柴灣道以避開由杏花邨盛泰道連接到筲箕灣阿公岩道,位於東區走廊旁邊的小徑。 F (維港東段): 使用渣華道及電氣道去代替仍未竣工的北角海濱和東區走廊下的沿海棧道。途中可繞道經過北角碼頭旁的海濱。 |
Points of Interest 沿途景點
More than sixty points of interest can be found along the 65-kilometre Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail, from pure nature to waterfront industrial uses, from promenades to beaches.
History lovers will appreciate the boundary stone of Victoria City in Kennedy Town, the Tai Tam dam and pumping station, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum in Central or the Museum of Coastal Defence in Shau Kei Wan. Foodies can check out seafood at the Aberdeen fish market, order a boat noodle at the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter, or enjoy the many waterfront restaurants in Pokfulam, Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay, Stanley, Shek O, Big Wave Bay, Siu Sai Wan, SOHO East, central ferry piers or the Kennedy Town Praya. Those who plan on making it a ‘trailcation’ can also find hotel rooms at some of these stops. Bring your swimwear to cool down at famous beaches of Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay and Shek O, or the informal swim sheds below Mt Davis and Wah Fu. Looking for something more exciting? Water sports equipment is for rent at Stanley Main Beach and Big Wave Beach, learn water skiing at Deep Water Bay, ride a boat to Po Toi Islands from Blake’s Pier in Stanley, or rent a junk in Aberdeen. Not a water person? Stretch out on the lawns of Tamar Park, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park or Cyberport Waterfront Park. Looking for that iconic picture to post on your social media? There are hundreds of photo opportunities along the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail. Time yourself to pass ‘Instagram Pier’ at Kennedy Town, or the Sai Wan Swimming Shed along Victoria Road for that sunset moment. Or take picture at the former fire services boat in Quarry Bay Park, or at the ferris wheel in Central. The Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail offers a diverse experience. Enjoy the vibrant city along the northern shore, explore the industrial districts of Tin Wan and Chai Wan, or discover the natural beauty of the mangroves in Tai Tam and the waterfall at Wah Fu. |
歷史愛好者可以在堅尼地城找到維多利亞城界碑,在大潭可以找到列為法定古蹟的水壩和抽水站。想更了解香港的歷史,你還可以到訪中環的香港海事博物館和筲箕灣的香港海防博物館。 識食的你可以在香港仔漁市場享受新鮮的海產,或者在銅鑼灣避風塘試一下艇仔粉。如果你想在進餐的同時欣賞美麗的海景,港島環島徑沿途也有大量的選擇包括博扶林、深水灣、淺水灣、赤柱、石澳、大浪灣、小西灣、蘇豪東、中環碼頭和堅尼地城等等。假如你想將這次行程成為一個假期,部份地方甚至有酒店供應。⠀ 準備好你的泳裝因為沿途有多個海灘(例如淺水灣、深水灣、石澳)和泳棚(例如摩星嶺、華富)可以讓你下水消暑。想要更刺激的體驗?在赤柱正灘和大浪灣都有水上活動設備租借,在深水灣又可以嘗試滑水,在赤柱卜力碼頭可以乘船到蒲台島,或者可以在香港仔乘艇仔遊覽。 不是水上活動的愛好者也無所謂,因為環島徑中間也會經過添馬公園、中山紀念公園和數碼港海濱公園等有大草坪的地方。 需要找打卡位為這個旅程留下印記?環島徑沿途有無限的地方可以讓你拍照打卡。首選當然是位於西區公眾貨物裝卸區的Instagram Pier,或者再向西走到另一個打卡熱點,位於域多利道的西環泳棚享受美好的夕陽。想找一些其他有趣的地方,可以考慮鰂魚涌公園內的葛量洪號滅火輪或中環海傍的香港摩天輪。 港島環島徑沿途提供多元化的體驗。你可以享受在港島北面享受維港繁華的都市景色,探索田灣和柴灣的工業區和發掘大潭紅樹林和華富旁的瀑布等港島的自然景色。 |
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