Points of Interest 沿途景點
Tuen Mun - Tseung Kwan O Coastal Trail – 60km divided over 7 walks:
The Castle Peak Bay Walk Starting at Butterfly Beach, the walk first along the promenade at Tuen Mun Pier and some industrial areas in Tuen Mun. After passing the Sam Shing Estate, the coast consists intermittently of beaches and promenades. Next, pass through the Hong Kong Gold Coast and walk along Castle Peak Road. After Tai Lam, you will walk along the promenade all the way to Tsing Lung Tau. You may visit the Tin Hau Temple there then continue your journey to Sham Tseng. The Ting Kau Beach Walk After leaving the town centre of Sham Tseng, it marks the start of another series of beautiful beaches which offer perfect venues for water sports. After passing the popular Lido Beach, Ting Kau Bridge, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, comes into sight. Walk past the settlement in Ting Kau and you will find yourself in Tsuen Wan. Follow the footpaths and promenades to end the trail at the Tsuen Wan West station. The Kwai Chung City Walk From the Tsuen Wan West Station you can enjoy the different urban parks including the Tsuen Wan Riviera Park. After you pass the Tsuen Wan Slaughterhouse and the Tsuen Wan Chinese Permanent Cemetery, you arrive at the Kwai Chung Park (open in 2024). Kwai Tsing Road will lead you along the main port facilities of Hong Kong, the Kwai Tsing Container Terminals. The route joins Lai King Hill Road via the stairs next to Lai King MTR Station. From there, you walk up to Lai King Hill Road and down to Lai Chi Kok Park. Next you walk along Sham Mong Road to arrive at the pedestrian bridge which brings you to Nam Cheong Station. The West Kowloon Coastal Walk From Nam Cheong Station, walk south to start the West Kowloon Coastal Walk. Walk along the Hoi Fai Road Promenade featuring designer chairs. Until the government links Tai Kok Tsui and West Kowloon directly, the route will take you away from the harbour to Olympian City from where you go south to Lin Cheung Road and Hoi Wang Road. Here you turn right back towards the coast and walk to the entrance of the West Kowloon Cultural District. Enjoy the many cultural and eatery facilities with stunning views. Leaving the West Kowloon Cultural District, pass China Hong Kong City and walk along the Gateway Boulevard to reach Harbour City and the Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier. The Kowloon Harbour Walk Kowloon Harbour Walk showcases the grandeur of Hong Kong. From the Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Pier you can admire the magnificent skyline of Hong Kong. Continue east, you walk past the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Space Museum. Along the Avenue of Stars you encounter the palm prints of celebrities along the wooden railings and the K11 Musea. Continue along the coast to and up the pedestrian flyover near the Hung Hom Railway Station and Hong Kong Coliseum. The trail joins the Hung Hom Promenade from where you reach the Tai Wai Shan Park, followed by the Hutchison Park and ending at Kowloon City Pier. The Kai Tak City Walk The Kai Tak Walk will continuously change as the works at the former Kai Tak airport and Cha Kwo Ling progresses. Walk from Kowloon City Pier along the shoreline until you reach the Kowloon City Ferry Pier. For now, follow San Ma Tau Street, To Kwa Wan Road, Shing Kai Road and Kai Shing Street to arrive at Kowloon Bay. From the International Trade & Exhibition Centre at Kai Cheung Road go up to the pedestrian bridge and walk along the construction site to find the Kwun Tong Promenade. At the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works enter Wai Yip Street and walk to Cha Kwo Ling. Here, you can find the Cha Kwo Ling Testicles Rocks and Tin Hau Temple. Continue the walk to Yau Tong Station. The Junk Bay Walk From Yau Tong Station, walk along Ko Fai Road to find clusters of industrial buildings. Turn at Tung Yuen Street and walk until you arrive at the Sam Ka -Tsuen Typhoon Shelter. Walk around the shelter to arrive at Lei Yue Mun for a seafood meal. Walk along the shore of Lei Yue Mun, the light house, the Tin Hau Temple and the former Lei Yue Mun Quarry. Go up the path besides Ma Pui & Che Teng Fresh Water Pumping House to arrive above the Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery. Go down the hill to arrive at Tiu King Leng and turn into Tong Yin Street to arrive at the Tseung Kwan O Waterfront Park. Walk around the East Channel or take the footbridge to go to Lohas Park where you find the MTR Station. |
青山灣段 從蝴蝶灣沙灘開始,先沿屯門碼頭海濱長廊走,再經過屯門一些工業用地,便會到達三聖邨。經過三聖邨後,沿途間斷由海灘和海濱長廊組成。穿過香港黃金海岸後,經過掃管笏,一直沿青山公路步行,你將會到達大欖。再跟著青山公路的海濱行人路走,就會抵達青龍頭。你可以參觀那裡的天后宮,然後再繼續旅程到深井。 汀九段 離開深井後,一連串的沙灘將出現在旅途上。這些泳灘是沙灘排球、獨木舟等各式各樣活動的場所。經過著名的麗都灣海灘後,映入眼簾的就是汀九橋。汀九橋是世界上最長的斜拉橋之一,目前是連接新界西北和市區的重要幹道。繼續沿青山公路走就會經過汀九村,然後就會到達荃灣,一直跟著海濱走到荃灣西站。 葵涌段 從荃灣西站起步,沿海濱公園到達永順街,經過荃灣屠房和荃灣華人永遠墳場後,就會看到將於2024年開放的葵涌公園。進入葵青路後,沿着香港主要的港口設施 — 葵青貨櫃碼頭步行,直至看到連接港鐵荔景站的行人天橋。橫過行人天橋,進入荔景邨後,緩緩走到荔景山路。經過清麗商場後向右走,便會到達荔枝角公園。離開公園後,沿著深旺路走,走上連翔道上的行人天橋,穿過屋苑,便會到達終點南昌站。 西九龍段 由南昌站往南行,經過批發市場、學校區和住宅區後,就會到達海輝道海濱公園。公園內裝設了不同設計師專門設計的長櫈。由於目前油麻地公眾碼頭卸貨區並未開放,因此路徑需暫時離開海岸,經奧海城、麗翔道及海泓道後右轉,就可以進入西九文化區。在這裡,你可以享受眾多文化和餐飲設施,以及欣賞維多利亞港的壯麗景色。離開西九文化區,經過中港城,沿港威大道步行即可到達海港城及天星碼頭,亦是西九龍段的終點。 九龍段 九龍段充分展現香港的現代化與繁榮。從尖沙咀碼頭出發,沿途都可以欣賞到香港壯麗的天際線。經過香港文化中心、香港藝術館和香港太空館等。在星光大道,您會在木欄杆上看到名人的掌紋,亦會經過大型購物廣場K11 Musea。沿著海濱漫步,您會看到紅磡火車站以及香港音樂表演的主要場地——香港體育館。一直到達紅磡海濱長廊和紅磡碼頭。沿海濱長廊前行,經過大環山公園、和黃公園、土瓜灣工業區和海心公園,最後便會到達九龍城渡輪碼頭。 啟德段 隨著舊啟德機場和茶果嶺工程的進展,啟德段的路線將會在未來改變。現時,啟德段從九龍城渡輪碼頭開始,轉入新碼頭街後,進入土瓜灣道,土瓜灣道與承啟道相接,沿承啟道步行,右轉啓成街,即到達九龍灣。橫過馬路進入啓祥道後,沿着展貿中心步行,走上行人天橋,再沿著工地走,就會到達觀塘海濱長廊。穿過海濱長廊,在觀塘污水處理廠左轉進入偉業街,沿街步行至茶果嶺。在這裡,您可以找到茶果嶺求子石和天后廟。在茶果嶺道一直前行,到達油塘站後就到達這一段的終點。 將軍澳段 此段從油塘站開始,沿著高輝道及東源街步行,經過工廠區和三家村避風塘後,即到達鯉魚門。沿著鯉魚門海傍道走,你可以找到各式各樣的海鮮酒家,亦可以探索鯉魚門海岸、燈塔、天后廟和前鯉魚門石礦場。沿著馬背及輋頂食水泵房旁的小路往上走,即可到達將軍澳華人永遠墳場。沿着行人路下山到達調景嶺,轉入唐賢街即到達將軍澳海濱公園。在這裡,你可以選擇圍繞海濱步行或橫過雍明苑的行人天橋前往康城站。 |
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