Western Harbour Walk 維港西段
張國榮及梅艷芳主演《胭脂扣》是不少人認識石塘咀過往一段風月史開始。1903年,香港政府把上環、西環、水坑口一帶妓院搬遷到石塘咀。在最鼎盛時,塘西有超過一百間妓寨,包括廿間樓高三、四層,擁有過百「阿姑」(妓女) 的「大寨」。除了妓寨以外,酒家亦是塘西風月重要一員。「陶園」、「金陵」、「頤和」及「聯陛」酒店晚晚都大排筵席。 座落山道及皇后大道西一帶的「四大天王」(當時最豪華的四間妓寨) 並不只是靠一班「阿姑」,支撐妓寨的靈魂人物還有事頭婆(妓寨持牌人)和師爺(妓寨的文書)。不說不知,師爺們都是有學識的人,他們更會協助廚房設計餐單和代阿姑寫情書於恩客。除此之外,妓寨還有廳躉、糠頸、四粒佬、豆粉水、寮口嫂等林林總總的職位!全靠每人各司其職,成就了以往石塘咀的風光。 去港識多史網頁認識更多有關石塘咀最風光的歲月啦! |
Shek Tong Tsui : A Former Nightlife Kingdom
It was a long lost history when the Hong Kong government relocated brothel dwellings from Sheung Wan, Sai Wan and Possession Point to Shek Tong Tsui in 1903, until the cinema classic -- Rouge(1987) featuring Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui, recreated the places’ exotic pasts. The industry peaked with over a hundred of brothels conglomerated at the west side of Shek Tong Tsui. Within the many brothels, 20 of which reached the height of 3 to 4 stories, with more than a hundred of prostitutes at service per building. Despite sexual services, brothel guests also enjoyed feasts from nearby grand restaurants (also translated as Wineshops). Shek Tong Tsui West thus entered its sensational era, thanks to the agglomeration of the popular brothels and restaurants. The four most renowned brothels were situated in the vicinity of Hill Road and Queen’s Road West. Brothel workers adopted a complex division of labour -- not all brothel workers were prostitutes. Sex workers only counted up to one of the many kinds of occupations in the area. There were ‘madams’ -- women who run the brothel, and up to four or more types of servants and even ‘PR practitioners’. The rest of the workforce included prostitute-to-be musicians and ‘secretaries’ from declined wealthy families. With everyone working according to their positions, Shek Tong Tsui West maintained an epoch of startling nightlife. Visit wetoast.com for further information. (Only available in Chinese) |