Chai Wan City Walk 柴灣段
香港有很多地名都是用人名來命名。如以維多利女王命名的維多利亞城,以港督堅尼地命名的堅尼地城,當中最有趣的就是以愛秩序少校(Major Edward Aldrich)命名的愛秩序灣。 的確,愛秩序少校為人很注重士兵的紀律,整治了不少在香港鬧事的英國士兵,亦改善了香港的治安,因此「愛秩序」的譯名亦可算為人如其名。 可是愛秩序亦不是安份守己之徒。 受軍部指派在香港發展軍事基地的愛秩序,為了堅持在金鐘建立軍營,不但無視港督砵甸乍的反對,還把同一份報告向砵甸乍重交一次。 第二任港督戴維斯上任後, 愛秩序更主管審批殖民地所有的建築物。 不少著名的建築物如美利樓, 亦是出自愛秩序的手筆。就記念愛秩序少校的貢獻, 愛秩序灣是在1845年便以愛秩序少校命名,而愛秩序街則是在1931年命名。除了沿著港島環島徑的維港東段及柴灣段可以遊覽愛秩序灣以外,你亦可以到南區沙灘段近赤柱廣場以及卜公碼頭,參觀由愛秩序筆下設計,被大型連鎖服裝品牌佔據的美利樓參觀一下。 如果想了解更多關於愛秩序以及愛秩序灣的資訊,亦可以去港識多史網頁了解更多。 |
Aldrich Bay : “The Discipline Loving Bay”?
From Victoria City which is named after Queen Victoria I, to Kennedy Town which is named after Sir Kennedy, the 7th Governor of Hong Kong, many locations were named after famous personnel during the colonial occupation of Hong Kong. The most interesting one of all could be the Aldrich Bay, which is named after Major Edward Aldrich.
The translation to Aldrich (愛秩序), which could be directly translated as “Loving Discipline”. Indeed, Major Aldrich was a firm believer in discipline. During his time, Major Aldrich disciplined many troublemaking British troops, and had instilled policies to maintain order to his force and Hong Kong in general, which some say Aldrich has quite a fitting Chinese name. However, Aldrich is not merely a conformist. Tasked with finding suitable locations for developing a military base in Hong Kong, Aldrich submitted a full proposal to develop a military camp in Admiralty. Met with strong opposition from Pottinger, the Governor of Hong Kong at the time, Aldrich defied his boss discontent by re-submitting the same report to Pottinger. With the change of Governor in Hong Kong, Aldrich was further trusted with the task in approving infrastructure developments in the colony. Buildings such as the Murray House were drafted by Major Aldrich. To commemorate his major contribution to the colony, the Aldrich Bay was named after Major Aldrich in 1845, with the Aldrich Street subsequently named in 1931. You can further explore Aldrich Bay and Aldrich Street along the Island Coastal Trail through the section of Chai Wan City Walk and Eastern Harbour Walk, and also the trails of Aldrich in Murray House at Stanley along the Southern Beaches Walk. You can visit here for more information about Major Aldrich and the Aldrich Bay. (Only available in Chinese) |