Tai Tam Nature Walk 大潭自然段
大潭紅樹林位處內灣,其獨特地理位置使岸邊免受海浪衝擊,有機物慢慢沉澱纍積令土壤變得肥沃,有助紅樹生長。所以,紅樹林生的生長環境會因潮汐漲退、溫度等因素而改變。變幻無窮的生長環境亦另紅樹林的動植物進化出各式的結構和獨特的生存方式。白骨壤有出水通氣根,而秋茄樹 (又名水筆仔)又長又尖的種子能插在泥中。樹林中的底棲生物:石磺、溝紋筍光螺、招潮蟹等都懂得融入沙子的世界,應用環境保護和養活自己。 紅樹林不僅提供了生物多樣性,他們的儲藏碳的能力更勝過熱帶雨林,被視為解決氣候問題的其中一個方法。此外,紅樹林能夠保護海岸免受颱風以及大浪的衝擊,就像是天然的防波提。若有興趣到大潭紅樹林探索各種精彩的自然畫面,不妨從大潭道上大潭篤水塘或港島徑第六段走走吧。 去TrailWatch網頁了解更多關於大潭紅樹林的故事! |
Tai Tam: The Natural Shelter to Changing Climates
Situating in the subtropical region, Hong Kong has four distinct seasons and it nurtures a large array of ecosystems. With mangroves as one of the most important local ecosystems, the famous wetland site -- Mai Po is no stranger to many Hongkongers. But for better proximity, Tai Tam Mangrove is a perfect choice for those on Hong Kong Island who fancy a trip to nature.
The Tai Tam Mangrove is located in an inner bay, where the shore is protected from waves. With calm water, organic matter precipitates and fertilises the soil, giving growth to the mangrove. It is also because of its coastal location, mangrove species have learnt to live with unique tidal and thermal conditions. Seeds of many Kandelia obovata are pointy so they could firmly plant into the soil upon falling from trees. The seeds resist tidal currents by doing so. On the other hand, benthic organisms, such as Sesarmid Crabs and Fiddler Crabs, have evolved by camouflaging to live in the sandy environment. The value of mangroves goes beyond its rich biodiversity. They are found to be larger carbon sinks than tropical rainforests. Besides being a strong force in tackling climate change, the mangrove could be a natural and cost effective breakwater. During typhoons and strong waves, mangroves help shield the coastlines and prevent erosion. Along the Island Coastal Trail, you can visit the mangrove by hiking along the Tai Tam Reservoir from Tai Tam Road. Or find out more here about the mangrove. |