Mt. Davis Coastal Walk 摩星嶺段
華人落葉歸根的觀念濃厚, 不少客死異鄉的海外華人 ,亦只能期望能夠衣錦還鄉。而東華三院管理的東華義莊正正就為這些離世的海外僑胞等待運返故鄉安葬期間,又或本地人尋找到合適位置安葬亡者之前,提供一個靈柩寄放之所。 在十九世紀,有一部分在廣東一帶的華人抱著美國夢飄洋過海到美國以命相搏從事高危工作,令不少華僑亦客死異鄉。幸好不少在異國成立的會館以及同鄉會在華工死後協助處理身後事, 而東華義莊就成為這些希望回到中國原籍安葬的靈柩之中轉站。 義莊內的建築群不少為一級歷史建築物,亦包含了殖民地、中式及鄕村建築的元素,亦曾經獲香港以及聯合國教科文組職頒發有關古蹟保護的獎項。如果你有興趣,你可以沿著港島環島徑的摩星嶺段到大口環路,向著西島中學方向上山,探索東華義莊的建築群的有趣歷史建築面貌。 快啲去港識多史網頁了解更多關於東華義莊的資訊。 |
Sandy Bay: TWGHs Coffin Home and the Journey of Homecoming for the Deceased Chinese in Overseas
Traditional Chinese thinking was embedded with the ideology of “homecoming”. For the deceased Chinese workers overseas, the TWGHs Coffin Home had been providing assistance for arranging logistical and transportation arrangements for the body, and providing interim storage space for bodies while settling suitable final arrangements.
In the 19th century, many from Guangdong migrated to the United States for job opportunities, with hopes to provide better for their families, and the pursuit of the “American Dream”. Given the dangerous nature of the jobs provided to Asians at the time, many abroad were killed unfortunately. With assistance offered by clansmen association and organization created by overseas Chinese, the coffins of the deceased Chinese were transported to the TWGHs Coffin Home in Hong Kong for interim storage, prior to the bodies to be transported back to their native hometown. With the unique incorporation of colonial, Chinese and rural architectural features, the TWGHs Coffin Home complex has been graded as Grade I historic buildings in Hong Kong. A multitude of awards were given by organizations from Hong Kong and UNESCO, in recognition of the brilliant preservation work conducted by TWGHs. You can visit the complex by taking a detour from the Hong Kong Coastal Trail at Sandy Bay. Walk towards the West Island School along the Sandy Bay Road, and explore more about the history and the unique architectural extravaganza in the “Coffin Home” . You can visit here for more information about the TWGHs Coffin Home. (Only available in Chinese) |