Aberdeen Harbour Walk 香港仔段
40多年歷史的香港仔珍寶王國海鮮舫在月前宣佈結業,不少有關香港明信片、旅遊書還是旅遊廣告中,都不難見到珍寶王國的身影。珍寶王國聲名遠播,令多部國際電影都在珍寶、太白取景,亦是周星馳的《食神》以及李小龍的《龍爭虎鬥》取景所在地。 作為香港漁業以及飲食天堂的象徵, 香港出現水上酒家卻是源於水上人在船上開設酒家,供作漁民結婚禮堂生意。 直到五十年代香港經濟復甦,奢侈的海鮮舫亦逐漸在香港仔避風塘中出現,吸引不少遊客捧場。 六十年代末,有幾個小商人投資興建「珍寶海鮮舫」。可是在完工前燒焊裝潢時卻發生四級火警,最後整隻船完全燒光,造成嚴重的傷亡。賭王何鴻燊、鄭裕彤和羅兆章在火災後後接手珍寶的管理,讓海鮮舫發展成香港最具代表性的旅遊景點之一。 不少名人如英女皇亦慕名而來,品嚐避風塘獨特的烹調方法炮製的由香港仔漁民供應的鮮味海鮮。 即使海鮮舫已經成為歷史,海鮮舫的船身現時仍然停泊於香港仔避風塘。有興趣的你可以沿著港島環島徑的香港仔段,一睹海鮮舫的風采。想知道更多?等港識多史話你知啦! |
Aberdeen: The World Renowned Jumbo Floating Restaurant
Quick quiz: established in 1972, was Ocean Park the theme park that made Wong Chuk Hang famous for its family-friendly recreation? The answer is no, Wong Chuk Hang had been popular among families 20 years prior for the famous Paris Farm. Built exactly on the spot where the recent Ocean Park is, the Paris Farm commenced the legacy of family-fun theme parks in Wong Chuk Hang.
If you were looking for a miniscule Paris with the Eiffel Tower or Arc de Triomphe in the Paris Farm, you would unfortunately be disappointed. The farm would ensure you a bizzare adventure with a collection of exotic animals, including peacocks, swans, flying squirrels, ponies, raccoons, anacondas and a loveable black bear. It was all thanks to the well connected owner -- Mr. Andrew Tse who was son of a steamship company comprador, a former US Army translator, and then one of the sons-in-law of Ho Hung Sun, a business magnate. Besides the charming zoo, the Paris Farm lured the public with a vast variety of leisure activities. For just a few cents, people could enjoy the Chinese garden, Chinese Concert Hall, wax museum, playgrounds and plenty of farming practice exhibitions. Wondering whether the Paris Farm or Ocean Park would be more captivating? Why not go on a walk along the Hong Kong Island Coastal Trails from Aberdeen to Wong Chuk Hang, and immerse yourself in a thrilling weekend? Or find out more about the Farm here. (Only available in Chinese) |